Seven Things Saturday - May 2024

May 17, 2024Kimberly Crider

Welcome to our new series where we share seven random (and some not so random) things!

Lower Prices: Last month, we made our products more affordable for everyone. This change reflects our ongoing mission to ensure accessibility for better for you nail treatments, polish & care essentials. 

Logo Inspiration: As we're sure you've seen, BeautyGARDE has a new look and feel. The BeautyGarde logo represents the essence of our plant-powered promise: Each element symbolizes the protective, nourishing and strengthening layers our products add to your nail care regimen. Read more about our story here.

Summer Fridays: Every year from Memorial Day to Labor Day our team does Summer Fridays. If you email us after noon on a Friday chances are we will be barefoot somewhere warm and sunny! 

The Nail Collective: We *gently* announced our new membership program, The Nail Collective, last week and we already have so many new members! We are always so blown away by this community. If you missed the announcement, you can read more about it here (and it's not too late to sign up and get early access to our new Summer 2024 collection). Join here.

Here are just some details. 

  • Free Shipping On Every Order 
  • 10% Off All Orders* 
  • Early Access To New Products 
  • Member Only Sales, Offers & Free Products 
  • Private BeautyGARDE BTS Newsletter 
  • Welcome Gift with exclusive members only color 

Tik Tok: We've recently gotten into recreating recipes from Tik Tok. Our favorite is the at home crunch wrap supreme!

Hangnails: Our team loves to garden and we've started noticing we need to take extra care of our cuticles because of it! If you have a hangnail, here's what to do: Soak your nails in a bowl of warm water with a few drops of BeautyGARDE Vanish Cuticle Remover for ten minutes, then use clippers to remove any jagged cuticles and hangnails. If your nails are infected and bleeding, use an anti-bacterial first aid cream and bandage it.* Once healed, apply BeautyGARDE Guardian Cuticle Oil on cuticle area 1-2 times per day. (Now available together in our Cuticle Care Duo: Vanish & Guardian)

*Please seek out medical assistance if conditions worsen.

Gigi: Earlier this month we sent a complimentary shade out with every order to celebrate Mother's Day. It was the first of many shades that we are going to give you a peek behind the curtain of what goes into our color mixing process. We believe in the power of memories and the colors that bring them to life and can't wait to share our stories with you.

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